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Isiolo County Diagnostic Exercise - Celebrating progress


Health Procurement Africa' is committed to strengthening health systems through the Procurement Excellence program.

As the holiday lights twinkle and the year draws to a close, we reflect on a year brimming with growth, challenges, and triumphs. Our commitment to strengthening health procurement systems through our Procurement Excellence program has taken us across Kenya, leaving a trail of enhanced capabilities and optimized processes.

Our program is the cornerstone of our mission, aiming to diagnose and uplift procurement and supply chain functions within the counties we partner with. This year's journey has been a testament to the resilience and dedication of our team and local partners. From drafting policy manuals to developing robust competency frameworks and rethinking organizational designs, we have delved into the intricacies of procurement to streamline and strengthen.

In the spirit of the season, our footsteps have led us to Isiolo County, where our team members Bismack and Maurine have proudly presented a draft report post a successful diagnostic exercise. This report isn't just a list of findings; it's a roadmap to a future where health procurement systems support a thriving community.

Our collaboration with the County Government of Isiolo has yielded a score of 2.2 out of 5 in our diagnostics. While this reflects the challenges ahead, it also highlights the vast potential for growth and the significant impact our joint efforts can make. Together, we're identifying and prioritizing opportunities for improvement, committed to delivering tailored solutions that resonate with the county's unique needs. We're not just consultants; we're partners in a journey towards excellence.

As we bask in the glow of a job well done and acknowledge the areas that need attention, we also look forward with excitement to the new year. Our resolution is steadfast – to continue this journey of transformation, to work hand-in-hand with our partners to implement the strategies that have been months in the making, and to witness the blooming of our collective efforts in the form of better health outcomes for the communities we serve.

So here's to the holiday season – may it be filled with joy, health, and prosperity. May the new year bring forth the fruits of our labor, and may we continue to be a beacon of excellence in health procurement.

From all of us at Health Procurement Africa, we wish you a festive season filled with happiness and a new year bursting with promise.

As we continue on this path, we invite you to join us in this narrative of change and progress. Follow our updates, share your thoughts, and be a part of a movement that is reshaping health procurement for a brighter, healthier future

Health Procurement Africa: The center of excellence for public healthcare procurement for a stronger and healthier Africa.


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