
Trans Nzioa dissemination Exercise - Pioneering Procurement Excellence in Kenya's Health Sector

Written by Shillah Raymond | December 7, 2023

In a concerted effort to elevate the healthcare delivery system, we are pioneering an initiative that is close to our hearts and critical to our mission – the Procurement Excellence Programme. Our vision is clear: to see a transformation in the procurement of pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, and medical equipment at the county level across Kenya.

In many Kenyan counties, the procurement process has been faced with challenges, often leading to a lack of essential medical supplies that are vital for the community's well-being. Recognizing the need for systemic change, HPA has taken a proactive approach to address these challenges head-on.

At the heart of our programme is the CIPS Standard Procurement Excellence Diagnostic Tool, which we have enhanced to meet the specific needs of the health sector. This robust framework allows us to explore the complexities of procurement processes, uncovering inefficiencies, and identifying opportunities for improvement.

Our dedicated team works alongside county officials to gather and review core evidence, conduct a cross-section of interviews, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the existing procurement landscape. This thorough diagnostic exercise is the first step in developing a pragmatic and actionable improvement plan.

A testament to our commitment, our recent diagnostic exercise in Trans Nzoia has been a resounding success. Following an exhaustive analysis, we presented our findings to the county officials, who received them with open arms. The willingness and enthusiasm to embrace change have been remarkable, paving the way for the implementation of our recommended improvement plan.

The journey doesn't end with the diagnostic report. We are dedicated to walking hand-in-hand with county officials to bring the improvement plan to fruition. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that the counties can independently sustain these enhancements, leading to a more efficient procurement system and, ultimately, better healthcare service delivery.

As we continue our work with other counties, we are filled with hope and determination. The positive feedback from Trans Nzoia's county officials and their readiness to improve is a beacon of what's possible across Kenya. We remain committed to forging partnerships, driving change, and most importantly, improving the lives of the Kenyan people through better healthcare procurement.

Furthermore, we are actively engaging with stakeholders in the healthcare industry to create a collaborative platform where innovative ideas and best practices can be shared. We believe that by fostering an environment of knowledge exchange, we can collectively drive positive change and improve healthcare procurement not just in Kenya, but across the African continent.

Through our Procurement Excellence Programme, we aim to empower county officials with the skills, tools, and resources they need to effectively navigate the complex procurement landscape. By enhancing their understanding of procurement processes and providing them with actionable strategies for improvement, we are confident that we can create a sustainable and efficient procurement system that ensures the availability of essential medical supplies and equipment for all Kenyan communities.

In addition to our diagnostic exercises, we are also working closely with county officials to develop capacity-building programs. These programs aim to enhance the procurement capabilities of healthcare professionals, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions and optimize procurement practices.

We understand that sustainable change requires a multi-faceted approach, and that's why HPA is committed to not only addressing the immediate procurement challenges but also fostering long-term solutions. By collaborating with county officials, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders, we can create a comprehensive ecosystem that supports continuous improvement and innovation in healthcare procurement.

Together, we can make a lasting impact on Kenya's healthcare system. Join us in our mission to transform healthcare procurement and improve the lives of millions of Kenyan people. Register now and be part of our growing healthcare procurement network at Together, we can build a brighter future for healthcare in Kenya.